Book an engineer for your live music event!If you are putting on a show, or if you are performing at one, then we can help!

If required, we can arrange for all the technical aspects of the show to be handled on your behalf by us.

However, we will not get in the way of any in-house or resident engineers if we are invited along to your venue, you can direct us to assist your existing crew with the smooth running of your event.

We do deals on our engineering rates if you hire equipment from us at the same time

If you are running an event where you are having a large band play on your stage, or running multiple stages, and you need extra hands or someone to cordinate with your team, then we can help!

Everything is negotiable...It doesn't cost as much as you think!

If you are concerned that booking a professional sound engineer will not be affordable for you, then you might be wrong...

We do deals on our engineering rates if you hire equipment from us at the same time such as stage monitor wedges, or a mixing console, for example.

Check out our audio equipment list and contact us to discuss your requiremnts.

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